Our classic cutout that encapsulates the essentials.
The ideal medium for especially complex topics and internal communications – handmade explanatory videos: Minimalist drawings that reinforce understanding, lovingly crafted illustrations and using hands make even the most complex topics accessible.
handmade: Options
Countless options: Our additional packages
Your corporate colours, various interactions, 3D animations or an even shorter production time – our additional packages leave nothing to be desired. Just click your way through and configure your handmade. We’re happy to help.
Only 25 days until you get your handmade – that’s a promise!
Before things get rolling, you will certainly have a few questions or requests – and we have to understand your goal. That’s why your consultant will be there from the word go – to listen and ask questions. And advise you throughout the whole process.
The briefing is all about your topic. Two conceptions specialists discuss your explanatory video with you, either over the phone, or face-to-face, and point out what’s important: Your goal. Your target group. What change you wish to bring about. After all, when it comes to your topic, you are the expert – we have an outsider’s perspective and are experts in identifying the essence of a topic and conveying all the information with the requisite didactic tools to make it simple and understandable. The briefing is the ideal basis for a successful production.
Starting right now, we see the world from the perspective of your target group: What is really necessary to understand a topic? And how can we pack it all into a story that really reaches your target group? Our conception specialists will burn the midnight oil until they have a snappy storyline – with a speaker’s text that perfectly encapsulates your topic.
When you have the storyboard in your hands, you’ll be in the know: you will see exactly what your explanatory video will look like. The storyboard shows you the illustrations we will use later in the explanatory video. A powerful and easy-to-understand picture language ensures that the images are fixed in your target group’s minds: this reinforces comprehension.
Animation, cut, sound design – in the final step, our motion designers bring your topic to life: The storyboard becomes an animated explanatory video with sound that enthralls and inspires.