How E-Control promotes energy saving with storytelling.

How do you persuade the whole of Austria to save energy?

An explainer video can achieve a lot. But to get a whole nation – 9 million people – to save energy? E-Control also wants to contribute. As the supervisory and regulatory authority for the Austrian electricity and gas market, its tasks include informing citizens on how to use energy efficiently. And that’s where our explainer videos come in.

E-Control and youknow get together.

E-Control came across an advert for our workshop on Storytelling by chance. Our Marketing department evidently got something right because a little while later, E-Control representatives came to our workshop where they learned about explaining and storytelling.

The core element of each story: The protagonist. But who could be the protagonist in explainer videos about saving energy? An electric eel? A gasoline pump? Not quite. That day the idea for Family Wagner was born, which later came to life in a film. And so the cornerstone for the explainer video was laid.

The Wagner family shows everyone how it’s done.

A family needs energy. Every day. Sometimes even several times a day. And just like our target group, the family consists of totally different characters. The perfect approach for showcasing energy needs using different characters. One member of the Wagner family is Lisa, the daughter who is studying Eco-Energy Engineering and is keen on saving energy. And Bernd, the father, who fears having to invest a lot of money. Mom Victoria is always on the road in her car, and Max, her son, is a tech geek, while granny Helga is a nature lover.

People find it easier to form relationships with people than with pure facts. Packaged as little everyday stories, they are emotive and are retained for longer periods of time. Step by step, the energy-saving Wagners win over Austrian hearts. And because saving energy is heroic, the Wagners become – you guessed it – superheroes at the end of the film series. What more do you want?

One topic for each video.

Naturally, it takes time to get to know a family. That’s why the first five explainer videos introduce the Wagners – with all their wishes, fears and prejudices. Their dream is to afford a wonderful holiday in a hotel with the money they save on electricity, gasoline, heating oil and gas. Will they succeed? They’re not doing so badly. In the second video, dad makes big savings on heating. Then Max switches off all electricity guzzlers. In the fourth video, Mom Victoria manages to reduce her gasoline bill. And finally, in the fifth video, the Wagners learn how to generate their own electricity.

Now they also want to know why fully opening windows for a short time is better than tilting the window sash for extended periods. How much gasoline does an auto rooftop cargo carrier consume? What temperature should the freezer be? Find out – with E-Control’’s Wagner family.

Energie-Control Austria
Energieeffizienz: 2
Energie-Control Austria
Energie-Control Austria

You can become an expert in explaining too!

Do you sometimes have trouble explaining your topic simply and clearly so that anyone can understand it? Does your target group resist buying into your products or services? Would you like to make your topic vivid and entertaining? In our workshops on Minimizing Complexity and Storytelling, we share our expertise with you and turn you into explaining experts, just like E-Control.

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